Aprendizaje Acelerado para el futuro
¿Quieres transformar tu experiencia de aprendizaje y enseñanza? Adéntrate en nuestro artículo sobre el #AprendizajeAcelerado, una metodología revolucionaria que prioriza la creatividad, innovación y colaboración.
Soy facilitador de aprendizaje
El rol del Facilitador de Aprendizaje Acelerado es fundamental para lograr un aprendizaje efectivo y significativo.
La creatividad, una habilidad que se aprende
La creatividad se define como la capacidad de generar ideas originales y útiles en cualquier ámbito, desde la ciencia hasta la cultura. A menudo se asocia con las artes y la cultura, pero en realidad es una habilidad que puede aplicarse en cualquier ámbito, desde la ciencia y la tecnología hasta los negocios y la política.
The Accelerated Learning Cycle
Since 1991 our company has been dedicated to spreading among our Learning Partners (LP) and clients the accelerated learning methodology. One of the distinctive elements of this powerful methodology is the Cycle we follow when it comes to facilitating: The Accelerated Learning Cycle «That is why the accelerated learning cycle template is based on a […]
Strategies to motivate learning
Motivation strategies play a significant role in the learning process. By knowing and handling the elements that move people, we will be better prepared for making them be motivated and motivate ourselves to learn. It is important that the student has clearness and coherence about the learning goal as well as interest for learning, and […]
Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning: A great methodology!
Learning from what we know
Learning from what we know by Ayerim Riera, Business and Personal Coach, and Professional Facilitator
Focusing on the Learning Partner
Focusing on the Learning Partner. The traditional educational model, reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution still predominant in the educational system of many of our countries, has as main axes the teacher and the curricula, with emphasis in the teaching and not in the learning. It’s a system that only evaluates the level of knowledge acquired, […]
Bob Pike’s Five Adult’s Learning Laws
I am honored to present to you Bob Pike’s Five Adult’s Learning Laws!