Suggestopedia is the education through the use of the suggestion and every resource owned by the Human Being, both mental (consciousness and para-consciousness) and sensorial in order to get an effective learning.

«Human Beings are exposed to a complex net of suggestions in very moment of our lives «. – Giorgi Lozanov

Suggestology is the science of suggestion, which is in every field of life; being a constant factor –conscious or unconscious- in the communication.

‘Suggestibility’ is an element of the personality; independent from the intelligence. The Human Being is stimulated or de-stimulated in relation to the type of suggestions received.

Negative suggestions are a source of inhibitions and they decrease the capacity of the person, but by helping LP to liberate from the limitations suggested by the surrounding since childhood, huge improvements in personality and conduct will be found and the levels of learning are significantly higher.

Incorporating multiple artistic elements, considering Art is one of the most suggestive fields and it drives feelings to get involved in the learning process, awaking curiosity, attention and playful participation of the LP. This encourage the memorizing process and psychological unblock towards old limitations.

Suggestopedia un-conditions – de-suggestion process- the fixed old costumes since it not just stimulates the implication of a major part of the brain, but also the whole personality, emotions included.

An environment full of negative suggestions or threats will produce a reduction of learning.

Positive suggestions will neutralize negative ones, therefore the bigger the amount of offered content, the more will be learned; i.e.: the more motivation and illusion, the easier the learning process.

The new global-artistic Suggestopedia was consolidated in 1978 and has kept on developing and enhancing until reaching the current variance.

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9 respuestas

  1. A positive environment, the incorporation of the arts and abandoning our limiting believes are important keys in the learning processes.

  2. A positive environment plus the incorporation of the arts and leaving behind our limiting believes are keys for a successful learning. Thank you Adrian for sharing.

  3. One of the important goals of Sugestopedia is to motivate and stimulate the students’ intellect to learn with happiness and with easy in a relax and rich environment using the music and the arts. Thanks for the article. Adrian.

  4. Hello Adrián, the suggestopedia is the teaching method that helps improve learning, in my opinion it has helped me a lot, I have learned many things in a very active way through games and good strategies worked on in the learning sessions. Good suggestions help us learn faster without forgetting that we must apply desuggestion to eliminate bad things or learned paradigms.

  5. Suggestopedia is the teaching method that helps improve learning, in my opinion it has helped me a lot, I have learned many things in a very active way through games and good strategies worked in the learning sessions. Good suggestions help us learn faster without forgetting that we must apply desuggestion to eliminate bad things or learned paradigms.

  6. When reading and analyzing this content, I have realized, without a doubt, that what underlies the theme causes a sublime encounter between love, as a dedication to-the-other, (authentic), and freedom as the fruit of that transformative experience. Only this is possible to understand education as a process of drawing from the inside out, discovering the genuine, transparent, and effective SDA in its learning process. Suggestopedia becomes the art of communicating what is beneficial for those who learn and at the same time for those who desuggest in the open process, that is, they are involved in the same cycle without neglecting their role. This experience of positive reinforcement or disclosure -I would call it- within a learning process, will allow the SDA to open furrows, pave motivating paths for learning that is more significant every day.

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