How do I stimulate learning in adults? Malcolm Knowles sets out the adult education through freedom, motivation and acknowledge of the own responsibility during the learning process.

« Self-directed learning: a process where people take the initiative; with or without help from others; to diagnose their learning needs, set goals, identify the human and material resources to learn, select and implement appropriate strategies and evaluate their learning results…» – Malcolm Knowles

According to Knowles, adults learn in a different way than children consequently, the facilitator of learning should use a different process to teach each one.

Malcolm Knowles was an American adult educator (1913- 1997). He developed the theory of andragogy, term coined by Alexander Kapp, a German teacher bak in 1833.

According to Knowles, there are 5 differentiating elements between adults and children:

1. Self-concept,

2. Experience,

3. Willingness to learn,

4. Orientation for learning and

5. Motivation for learning.

How do adults learn?

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