Focusing on the Learning Partner. The traditional educational model, reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution still predominant in the educational system of many of our countries, has as main axes the teacher and the curricula, with emphasis in the teaching and not in the learning.
It’s a system that only evaluates the level of knowledge acquired, that is, the result is more important than the process and memorization rather than the development of the student’s personal development.
«To be empathetic is to see the world through the eyes of the other and not to see our world reflected in their eyes.» – Carl Rogers
Under this approach of rigid and not very dynamic education, the student is only a passive receiver of knowledge (based on the teacher’s background and experience), without space for the deployment of individual talents, discussion, collaborative learning or innovation.
In contrast to this model, the Accelerated Learning Methodology, promotes the consideration of the student as the center of learning and on whom the whole process is designed.
Focusing the learning on the student, involves creating a friendly, flexible and diverse environment in which each individual can express himself without feeling frightened or threatened and offering freedom to explore, discover, discuss, share and create, which translates into independence , empowerment and curiosity. In an environment with these characteristics, social interactions are produced based on love, respect, empathy, acceptance, tolerance and mutual support.
The facilitator focuses on the student when this is approached from an integral perspective, paying attention to his emotions, his mind and his body, and designing authentic and relevant activities that cover each of these areas, taking into account the individuality, needs and pace of each student.
Focusing on the student, also means giving value to the experience of each individual, their perspectives, potentialities, interests, abilities and talents; giving them the possibility to decide what to learn and how to do it, actively participating in the process, analyzing, reflecting, discussing, creating new knowledge and solving diverse problems based on their own reality.
What more satisfying than our students learn what they are interested in and through the tools they prefer?
When we meet their learning needs, skills and styles, our Learning Partners feel the protagonists of their own learning, engaging and making themselves responsible.
The ultimate goal of student-centered learning, is for him to focus on a transcendental goal and seeing himself in a better and possible future each day and in the long run independently.
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