How do I stimulate learning in adults?
Malcolm Knowles sets out the adult education through freedom,
Suggestology and Suggestopedia
An environment full of negative suggestions or threats will produce a reduction of learning.
A new way of learning!
A new way of learning! The age in which the pedagogical relationship was conceived as a passive individual receiving knowledge from another person, who decided when and how to give it, is arriving to its end. Knowledge derived from fields such as, neuroscience, psychology and, communication, have inspired a radical change in the way the […]
Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning: A great methodology!
Introducing me as a facilitator
The presentation of a facilitator
The value of the Questions in Learning
The value of the Questions in Learning «Judge a man for his questions instead of for his answers.» Voltaire The traditional educational system, has as a central axis of the teaching process to the teacher, who imparts to his students a content and knowledge whose domain will be later evaluated through questions that admit only […]
Aprendizaje Informal en las Organizaciones
El Aprendizaje Informal en las Organizaciones. Toda organización, en menor o mayor grado, invierte recursos tanto físicos como financieros en educación y desarrollo de sus empleados. Lo hace mediante programas basados en una planificación y objetivos establecidos, que se enmarcan en el aprendizaje formal. “Estoy siempre listo para aprender, aunque no siempre me gusta que […]
Speed, Quality and Costs
Speed, Quality and Costs by Ayerim Riera, personal and professional Coach «Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.» Warren Buffett One of the situations that arise most with our clients when presenting a training offer, is the one related to price. Those who are dedicated to educational activity in the business area, […]
Learning from what we know
Learning from what we know by Ayerim Riera, Business and Personal Coach, and Professional Facilitator
Certification of Professional Facilitators & Speakers
Information about our Certification of Professional Facilitators & Speakers